303-465-4306 info@allredarch.com

Arvada Fire Station 2

Station #2 is the first fire station to be built for Arvada Fire Protection district that is an operational fire station with interior fire fighter training props incorporated into the design. The training props include ground ladder evolutions, hose advancement and stairwell evolutions, confined space rescue, rappelling, and basket training. This fire/training station is a 9,400 square foot, eight bunkroom, two bay tandem drive through station with a dayroom, kitchen, and fitness room. The design allowed for fire fighter historical document and photo display areas. LEED principals were incorporated into the design to create a sustainable & energy efficient building. This station is also the first station in Arvada to include geothermal and radiant floor heating. It is located at the intersection of ridge road and Oak Street in Wheat Ridge Colorado. The neighborhood setting of this station required the building’s architecture to appear residential in character.
“Allred & Associates has totally redesigned our fire houses and we now have what I feel will be the most professional looking firehouses around.”
John Greer / Fire Chief